Programs Offered

During your Initial Consultation (in person or remote), we will discuss your health goals and how we can best serve you with our programs.

Initial Consultation

Initial Consultation

During your consultation hour, we go over your current condition, your goals and the obstacles that prevent you from reaching your goals.  You will learn how to set realistic goals, how to focus on your health to achieve your goals, how to resist unhealthy meals, how...

Developing Recipes

Developing Recipes

We create recipes with ingredients targeted towards helping you alleviate symptoms from illnesses that you may be under the supervision of a physician and/or dietitian for to recipes that help not only prevent the onset of  illnesses, but if you are unfortunately...

Follow-up Programs

Follow-up Programs

The Follow-up Programs are not only designed for people that need more encouragement and guidance while they are learning, but more importantly they allow us, as your mentors, to feel reassured that you have been left well-equipped and informed in the health choices...

Grocery Shopping Tour

Grocery Shopping Tour

Grocery Shopping Tour was designed out of the necessity we saw in helping our clients grocery shop with confidence by doing it together. It’s often very difficult to navigate around the grocery store and resist the temptation of all the options in front of you...

Healthy Kitchen Makeover

Healthy Kitchen Makeover

It’s important to gain confidence in your kitchen and in your ability to cook, what to look for while shopping at your favorite grocery store and to put all you’ve learned in to a well prepared and nutritious meal. We guide, motivate, and support you in gaining...

Healthy Workplace Initiative

Healthy Workplace Initiative

I am passionate about food and what I do to help people fight or prevent illnesses and diseases by not only choosing the right foods to eat, but more importantly, by being passionate about people who are eager to learn, maintain, and adapt a healthier lifestyle. I’m...

Lunch & Learn

Lunch & Learn

I am passionate about food and what I do to help people improve their lives and to avoid illnesses. I educate them about their health and teach them how to prepare fast, fresh not to mention healthy and delicious meals at home. Above all, I am passionate about people...

Make Ahead Meals

Make Ahead Meals

Pasta sauces, meatballs, and bread dough not to mention prepping either through cutting and/or marinating of varying meats; chicken, meat and vegetable broths, fruit, rice, and vegetables are the easiest things to make and freeze ahead of time and great starters for...